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Project Empty House
This is looking down from the second floor stairs.
The ghost is one that I created, but sort of resembles what I have seen a few times.

My Mom says she is going to sell the house some time in the next few years.  Once she has most of the stuff moved out, I'm going to try to get a group of friends together to camp out in the house for 2 nights on a weekend.  I will try to choose only friends that are serious about what I'm trying to do here.  In the day we will go through the back yard with metal detectors to look for anything of interest.  Also we will look for bones, which we've found pieces of before in the past.  We already found a cobblestone walkway about 6 feet under the dirt when I was about 12 years old.  At night we will try to stir things up.  I'm not 100 % sure if Ouija boards really work, but we'll try all kinds of stuff.  While this goes on we will to film the events and take pictures.  We may possibly put a PC in the attic with a webcam to see if we can catch anything moving throughout the night, maybe while the clown is there.  I have a feeling the ghost likes the clown doll.  Also we will have tape recorders so we can try to catch some of the weird noises.  Anything we come up with or get pictures of will be posted on this site. No BS pictures here.  I don't like to try to prove what I've seem by making edited pictures.  There's too much of that junk on the Net already.  I will always tell if I made a picture, just as I did above.  Hopefully we get a lot on film.

Wish us luck!


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