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The House in the Early 70's
This is the house as it looked in the early 70's.  
That's me (in the mustard colored jacket) next to my sister Michelle (in the purple jacket).

I wasn't really aware of anything going on at this point in my life (possibly before age 5).  Being just a little kid, I may have seen things and didn't think anything of it.  That all changed when I was 6 years old.  I started to notice weird shadows (often resembling the shape of a person) moving in my room, which would make it get very cold, and once in awhile the door would start creaking.  When I saw them (the shadows), I would scream for my mom or dad.  They would come down the hall and tell me there is nothing there, which sometimes made me a feel a little bit better.  I asked my mom and dad if they would leave my bedroom door open so I wouldn't get scared.  Each night they would put me to bed and leave the door open as I had asked.  This made me feel a lot safer and allowed me to get a better sleep.

 I still saw the shadows and wondered what they were.  One night as I lie in bed looking towards my door, which always had the kitchen light slightly illuminating it, I saw one of the shadows on it.  As the shadow drew closer and slid across the door, the room got colder.  This time the door started to shut.  I whispered "Mom? Dad?" and got no answer.  Normally I would've screamed, but I was so scared and felt as if this thing was right near me.  I instinctively pulled the covers up over my head and tightly closed my eyes, causing a false sense of security.  I could hear the door creaking, then it stopped as it was finally all the way closed.  The room was now pitch black, except for a small slit of light around the door.  It was then that I had felt the bed shake for the first time.  I was terrified and felt trapped, confused, and defenseless.  Being scared made it seem as if the bed was shaking forever.  I had no idea as to when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was curled up in a ball under my bed.  This must've been something I did in the middle of the night trying somehow to protect myself.  I did this a few other times after this incident.  One time I woke up as I rolled right off the bed, then, after hitting the floor, I rolled under the bed.

When I was 7 years old I told my mom
about all this, and when I did she had a very nervous look upon her face. Basically she told me that we have more than our family
living in the house. She said it would never hurt us.  Being only 7 and hearing that from my own Mother made it very hard to sleep at night.... after
all, when you're young you expect your parents to tell you there's no such thing as ghosts.

For me, this was the beginning of my interest in ghosts and is still a topic I find highly interesting to this very day.


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